the return of Teen Angst 2000

It is cliche to talk about.
It doesn’t feel cliche when it’s your life though.
If I had known that that time would be the last time…

how many times do we say that?
And really, what would we do differently?
do we really do the best we can with what we know
or does that just make us feel good?

I thought I’d get to see her house one more time
like it was when she lived there
before things changed.


to get peace about this,
I go back to a hillside
in the mountains.
the tombstones of my grandparents
in front and behind.
That seems kind of like home now.

~ by hannahcsykes on May 21, 2008.

One Response to “the return of Teen Angst 2000”

  1. to get peace about this,
    I go back to a hillside
    in the mountains…

    Your words immediately carried me to the words of another writer, Pieta Brown. In her song, Are You Going There, she asks,
    “Are you going there…If you’re going there…I’ll go down to the old meadow…

    Check her out, my kindred. I believe the poetry of her soul will speak to the poetry of yours.


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